“life will be better in spring”
March 2009
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March 2011
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 || 2:53 PM
Yeah...another boring wk in my life i guess...Recently my life has been um...random?
I went around asking my classmates whether i was retarded bt of cos i m nt retarded n,it was lyk yen tung,slugcumber n xue ning's fault i did tat...So i wasn't rlly retarded bt apparently,77.78% of e class tot i was retarded.Brandon was lyk no,you're nt retarded then he changed his mind cuz e 3 of them made him change his mind.Then dylan made a guideline as 2 how 2 ans this q....He said,"you must say dunno cuz cannot insult her bt oso cannot make her 2 happy..."I was lyk lol so wei kit frm "no" changed 2 "dunno"...Then during geog,got back test paper...lionel ans friggin' retarded.E q was how r volcanoes formed.He wrote "volcanoes r formed wen magma bcomes 2 hot n explodes..."
Chinese ting xie...ah...nvm still passed anyway...
This has been e weirdest n most random day of e wk...Lionel was lyk super retarded 2day even shavonne n wen siang agreed...He was lyk hyper annoying then wen i was talking 2 shavonne,he keep on extra-ing there...Then he keep on making a lot of noise so it seemed xtremely retarded...Then he tot his bb clip vry hard 2 undo so he let us try bt we all undid it within sec...LIONEL!!!Wat is wrong wif u 2day ah?Sorry tuna,yen tung,chelsea,gloria n shini...I noe i vry bad...Bt i didn't mean 2...
Sunday, July 19, 2009 || 4:21 PM
Bi Ying Is Your Soulmate
You truly love Sara.
You consider Bernice your true friend.
You know that Yong Hooi is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Me for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Shi Ni is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that YenTung is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Ming Xuan is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Ming Xuan changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Xue Ning is shy and non-confrontational. And that Xue Ning has a hidden internet romance.
Sorry Ming Xuan!!!N Sara(rest assured I will not love you ever...)
Saturday, July 18, 2009 || 4:10 PM
Another boring wk in my life... Found David Archuleta's blog. URL: http://davidarchuletanetwork.ning.com/profiles/blog/list?user=30iqaaxz3bpoz. My brother's fault...as usual lah...
When you're all alone in the lands of forever....
Saturday, July 11, 2009 || 2:27 PM

Blogging again....Aaaaaargh...I went 2 cut my hair shorter....bt now actually easier 2 tie scorpion....my life has been extremely boring recently...Bi ying drew those pictures...e first 2 nice rite?
Here I am...
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 || 10:31 AM
Lalala...blogging...AYG over!...Nth else 2 say...